The focus of traditional health care is on treating disease. Chiropractic is different, it produces results by aligning the joints in your body and relieving pressure placed on the nerves. This allows your body to work the way it should and helps to prevent injury and disease. Your brain and spinal cord communicate with the rest of your body by sending messages through nerves. If the bones of your spine are out of alignment they can put pressure on these nerves and therefore prevent proper communication within your body. You can think of it like a hose in a garden. If the hose (a nerve) is kinked then the water (information from your brain) can not flow. Remove this kink and the water flows freely!
A thorough examination including taking a health history and performing the necessary orthopedic tests helps us locate the areas of nervous system compromise. Then, specific chiropractic adjustments help reduce these interferences. The intent is to restore your body's ability to regulate and heal itself. Without drugs and without surgery. Chiropractic has helped millions enjoy relief and better health for more than a century! Come in today to see how chiropractic can help you!
A thorough examination including taking a health history and performing the necessary orthopedic tests helps us locate the areas of nervous system compromise. Then, specific chiropractic adjustments help reduce these interferences. The intent is to restore your body's ability to regulate and heal itself. Without drugs and without surgery. Chiropractic has helped millions enjoy relief and better health for more than a century! Come in today to see how chiropractic can help you!
Babies and Children
The subject of chiropractic treatment for the care of adult problems is well known. However, infants and children also can benefit from chiropractic care! Numerous studies, published in scientific journals, suggest that chiropractic care may be a natural management option for children suffering from such conditions as headaches, colic, otitis media (middle ear infection), bed wetting, and asthma to mention a few.
Chiropractic management of infants and children conditions begin with a physical examination and health history of the patient. While children may receive manipulation, the techniques used are designed for use on children. It is very important that children get in to see a chiropractor on a regular basis so that there body can adapt to the changes it experiences while growing.
In addition to the adjustments, the child may receive physical therapies such as heat or could applications, massage, or others as appropriate for the management of each case. Questions raised by the parents an the children can be discussed with the doctor, who can explain treatments and benefits of chiropractic care. When possible, we will also work with the child's pediatrician to coordinate care.